Are You Ready To Participate In The Greatest
Planetary Ascension & Activation Wave On Earth?
Enter the Temple
Mo'orea Dragon Awakening Eclipse Grid Activations
October 13-15, 2023
It's Time For The Dragons To Awaken From Stasis
Do you ever feel like there’s more to you? Like a piece of your consciousness is frozen, or asleep somewhere just out of access... waiting for a divine moment to be awakened…
Enter the Temple
A Gathering Of Titans During The Most Powerful Solar Event of 2023
Calling Forth The 144000, Angelic Wayshowers, Dragons, Creators, Divine Magicians and Time Keepers and All Guardians of the Earth... It's time for us to Awaken Inner Dragons & Be Witness To An Eternal Victory

Online Event. Recordings Available Forever.
Friday, October 13th @ 6pm EDT
Opening Ceremony: Open the Dragon Lines, Activate the Temple & Establish Union, Coherence & Sanctity for our Work Ahead
Friday, October 13th @ 8pm EDT
Workshop #1 w. Lukaijah + Saskia:
Hieros Gamos Divine Union Alchemy Activation
Saturday, October 14th @ 1pm EDT
Galactic Energy Embodiment Yoga Practice w. Herman
Saturday, October 14th @ 2pm EDT
Eclipse Ceremony w. Xi EarthStar
Seeding Personal & Planetary Highest Heaven on Earth Timeline During the Hiero Gamic Eclipse Portal
Saturday, October 14th @ 4pm EDT
Workshop #2 w. Herman & Katrina: Importance of Multi-Dimensional Healing & Template Restoration
Saturday, October 14th @ 7:30pm EDT
Aurora Ascension Hub Meditation
Sunday, October 15th @ 3pm EDT
Workshop #3 w. Shane & Xi: Awakening Our Inner Dragon,
The Emerald Awakening, Our Timeline Keeper Codons &
The Keys of Revelation in Our Starseeded DNA
Sunday, October 15th @ 5pm EDT
Dragon Gridwork Ceremony Preparation Yoga & Qi-Gong Practice
w. Herman, Lukaijah & Saskia
Sunday, October 15th @ 6pm EDT
Personal & Planetary Emerald Dragon Activation Gridwork Ceremony In the "Ring of Fire" Eclipse Gateway During Mo'orea Direct Solar Alignment
Sunday, October 15th @ 8pm EDT
Family Integration, Community Heart-Shares & Closing Ceremony
Our Dragon Temple Guardian Team
Xi EarthStar Healer
Xi is the founder of the EarthStar Academy which supports God's Angels on Earth on our Mission to Return God's Love to the Heart of All of Humanity. We are templar map & wisdom keepers, and support the facilitation of Guardian Gridwork Missions on Earth.
Through the arts of prayer, oracle transmission, singing, writing, and multi-dimensional energy work, we support humanity in reclaiming our Infinite Creativity through the Healing of our Multidimensional Lightbody & Creation Sexuality.

Saskia & Lukaijah
Saskia and Lukaijah are founders of Divine Union Alchemy which helps individuals and couples worldwide to restore the organic templates of wholeness and inner Union.
Acknowledging there are forces that seek to keep apart divine union couples, Saskia and Lucas have identified the various anti-hierogamic technologies and blocks in place so they can be removed on all levels.
Through their online courses, coaching packages, and retreats, they provide unique and customized support to those who are called to the path of Divine Union and are ready to activate their Soul’s legacy with their Beloved.
Katrina & Herman
Founders of Universal Keys and Sounds of Sirius, Katrina and Herman are beautiful ascension facilitators living in New Zealand.
Katrina is a quantum energy guide, who focuses on multidimensional soul-level healing. Her medical career activated a profound heart awakening, ultimately leading to her own path of service as a multidimensional energy guide.
Herman Saiz has over 12 years of extensive experience as a certified yoga teacher and reiki master. He incorporates specific sound waves and frequencies in his music productions and is a highly acclaimed music producer in both New Zealand and internationally.

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